Popular Pets
December 22, 2020

Covid-19 lockdowns have brought with them a worldwide upsurge in pet adoptions as people finally found time to care for a furry family member – and enjoy the stress-relieving benefits animals can bring. This has been a global phenomenon: in New York, demand for dogs was “totally unprecedented”, according to non-profit Foster Dogs. In Australia, the […]
Service Dogs For Veterans
December 22, 2020

When his U.S. Army detachment was sent to serve in the War in Afghanistan, Tim Kellermann’s first stop was the massive Bagram Air Base. “You can actually see pictures of it in the first ‘Iron Man’ movie,” he said, his voice containing perhaps a hint of pride in having arrived at such a high-profile destination. […]
Charlotte Animal Shelter
December 22, 2020

Stories about homeless dogs and cats are emotional risks, especially for those of us who cry at SPCA commercials and refuse to finish Marley & Me. It’s been a hard year; no one needs suspense. So I’ll give it away now: This is a happy story made up of nearly 5,000 other happy stories of rescued […]
Dogs Help During Pandemic
December 22, 2020

Eileen Nagle sees her family in video chats and drive-by visits, but that hasn’t made up for the lack of warm hugs in the nine months since the pandemic led her nursing home to shut its doors to visitors. Enter Zeus. “Zeus is a friendly little snowball, very happy,” said Nagle, 79, after the peppy […]
Therapy Dogs Go Virtual
December 22, 2020

Before the coronavirus pandemic, therapy dogs at California’s Stanford Hospital would comfort patients and staff in the corridors and on wards. Now, they’ve gone virtual, cheering people up with appearances via video-conference. Until March, volunteer coordinator Martha Kessler would arrange between eight and ten visits a month around the Stanford University campus for students and […]
Ted The Therapy Dog
December 22, 2020

There’s a friendly, four-legged face roaming the hallways at Blair High School. Ted, a 2-year-old goldendoodle, joined the staff at BHS as part of the school’s new therapy dog program. “He just accepts everyone. Not one student feels like they can’t pet Ted because he won’t like them. Everyone comes up to Ted,” special education […]
A Clear Path For Veterans
December 21, 2020

Clear Path for Veterans New England believes the best way to serve its veterans and their families is through community partnership and purposeful services, with a mission to recognize that communities have the responsibility to help those who have served our country. Established in 2017 by a team of dedicated volunteers, Clear Path for Veterans […]
Canine Companions
December 21, 2020

Wallis Brozman’s service dog Renata is always ready to work: to pick up items that Brozman drops, to help pull her wheelchair and in general, to stay attentive to her needs in any situation. “I could probably find ways to do some of the things Renata helps me with,” Brozman said. “But she allows me […]
Arson Dog Teams
December 21, 2020

The Illinois State Fire Marshal’s Office is welcoming three new members to its team — and they’re all dogs. K9 Phantom, K9 Gunny, and K9 PJ are the newest accelerant detection canines, also called arson dogs, to investigate suspicious fires in the state. Officials said these dogs are highly trained to sniff out evidence at […]
Celebrate Your Pet
December 21, 2020

Many people welcomed a new animal family member in their homes during 2020, and this will be their first holiday season together. While the holiday season can bring joy to the humans in your household, it can also be a sensory overload for pets. Bright lights, shiny objects, trees inside the home, new sounds and […]