Service Dogs
July 31, 2020

The five Islanders who have been waiting for their service dogs will have to wait even longer, since the Lions Foundation of Canada has had to suspend its dog training program due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Across Canada, there are 80 people waiting for service dogs trained to assist people living with a number of […]
Canine Companion
July 31, 2020

The Covington County District Attorney’s Office has recently welcomed its newest team member, Canine Companions for Independence Facility Dog, Wendell III. Wendell, under the leadership of his handler, Shawn Bentley, will assist children who are victims and witnesses of crime, abuse and neglect in Covington and surrounding counties, such as Crenshaw, Butler, Conecuh and Escambia. […]
Dog Training
July 31, 2020

Brandon McMillan, an Emmy Award-winning master animal trainer, will teach a MasterClass on dog training. MasterClass is a streaming platform that makes it possible for anyone to learn from world-renowned instructors, according to company officials. Through a series of easy-to-follow techniques, MasterClass members and their dogs will learn how to confidently master obedience and house […]
Animal Health Services
July 29, 2020

This would be a project in partnership with the tribes to protect from COVID-19 and enhance the overall health of the communities by increasing veterinary care and improving sanitation. The plan is to provide veterinary care, spay/neuter services to reduce populations, deworming, vaccinations, human euthanasia, disease testing that will include COVID-19 according to criteria, help […]
Emotional Support Animals
July 29, 2020

Ellen Shershow’s photos capture dogs as vibrant oddballs: licking their nostrils, dashing across beaches, peering inquisitively at the camera as if it might deliver a slice of premium freeze-dried meat directly to their mouths. The pet portraitist is accustomed to long preshoot phone chats with owners about everything from their dog’s medical history to diva tendencies, […]
Dog Robot Fluffy
July 29, 2020

Like any other well-trained dog, Ford Motor Co.’s four-legged dog-like robots can sit, shake hands and roll over. However, they also can perform 360-degree camera scans, handle 30-degree grades and climb stairs for hours at a time. These are truly service dogs unlike any other. That’s because they are actually 70-pound quadruped robots with […]
Service Dog Needed
July 29, 2020

The Roy family of a 5-year-old boy with a rare condition is trying to raise enough money to help get him a service animal, a dog who could help save his life. While pregnant, Jace Ross’ mom contracted a virus called the cytomegalovirus (CMV). The doctors did not know there was anything wrong Jace until […]
Depression In Dogs
July 29, 2020

Studies show that dogs (most commonly, Emotional Support Dogs) can help with depression. Most of us don’t know, however, that our canine friends can also suffer depression. The dogs can’t speak anyway so, and we can’t ask them to know how they feel. It may get worse for them if we can’t recognize the […]
Service Dogs In Training
July 29, 2020

The COVID pandemic has been hard on everyone, including service dogs in training. With no staff to train dogs with Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD) in Winsted, some volunteers — or home handlers — stepped in to help. The home handlers took in 35 dogs that needed a place to stay. “Usually, a home […]
Gold Award
July 29, 2020

Guide Dogs for the Blind based in San Rafael has been around since 1942. For more than 75 years the organization has lived by its mission statement: “Guide Dogs for the Blind empowers lives by creating exceptional partnerships between people, dogs and communities.” Thousands of people have benefitted from these words. It is through volunteers […]