Best Of Friends
May 27, 2020

I recently interviewed several pet owners in Westwood to understand their relationship with their pets. I wanted to know how their pets enrich their lives.
I felt this was especially important now as we all come to terms with the COVID-19 pandemic. During this crisis, our pets have become our rocks of stability, emotional support and our cuddle-buddies. I know that our dog, Byrdie, has brightened up my life with her unconditional love and sloppy kisses.
I interviewed Janet to hear her stories about her little dog Charlie. He is a very handsome fellow, a Pomeranian chi. This small crossbreed is playful, devoted, and energetic. At 10 years of age Charlie is as active as any young pup. He enjoys long walks with Janet and loves to cuddle. He is also a loyal companion and makes Janet laugh all the time with his adorable personality.
I discovered quite a few fun facts about Val’s pets. Her stories reminded me of an animal kingdom documentary. She has two beautiful feline friends. Magoo is a 10-year-old, male rag-doll Persian cat and Val describes him as a real ladies’ man who can melt anyone with his blue eyes. Magoo has a lush grey-and-white coat. His mannerism is one of refined royalty, which has earned him the nickname “Lion Boy.” Val’s other cat, Greyson, is a striking six-year-old old male with a black and white coat. He is the silent type, independent and shy.
Val’s budgie, named Bird, seems to be the real life of the party at her house, based on the stories she told. Bird entertains the family and the cats with his bouncy happy dance. Budgies are one of the most popular pets, very cute and affectionate.
Nicole has added a new member to her family — an adorable, 10-week-old female Labrador retriever named Luna. This breed is kind, has an even temperament and is known for its enthusiasm for sports and swimming. Nicole says Luna is very curious and happy, with stunning blue eyes, a dark grey coat and that wonderful puppy breath. Luna has already stolen Nicole’s heart (and mine).
From my interviews, it is evident to me that pet owners love their pets. and they help us cope during these stressful times. They truly are our best friends.