Service Dog Puppies
June 16, 2020

Here’s something cute to help you brighten your week! Sweet 8-week old puppies just arrived at Dallas Love Field on Monday by private jet after a long journey from California. Soon, the eight pups will enter into intensive training to become service dogs for national nonprofit Canine Companions for Independence. The local chapter is based […]
Guide Dog Teams
June 16, 2020

In this time when so many of our social rituals have changed to accommodate the new rules of a global pandemic, one thing remains a constant: the need to remember to always use your powers of observation and offer a comfortable “physical distance” around a guide dog and his human handler when they are out […]
Therapy Dogs Helping In Time Of Need
June 16, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has the Roxy dogs of Doylestown missing school just as much as the kids. Sharon Fleck, the president of Roxy Therapy Dogs, trains and certifies her furry friends for every circumstance. She brings them to schools, hospitals, groups homes for medically fragile children, and even courthouses before child abuse cases. Kids are very […]
Dog Beauty
June 16, 2020

As if we need more proof that dogs are heavenly, meet Beauty, the rescue dog who now helps her autistic owner deal with anxiety – despite never having had any training. Beauty’s owner Cheryl, who has autism spectrum condition and struggles with high levels of anxiety, says Beauty is able to pick up on her feelings […]
Blind Therapy Dog
June 16, 2020

Baby, a blind 8-year-old therapy dog who first started visiting residents at Island City Assisted Living in Eaton Rapids, Mich. over six years ago, is continuing her compassionate hobby amid the coronavirus pandemic. When the COVID-19 crisis first took hold in the United States, Baby’s paused her visits for about a month because the residents […]
Therapy Dogs On Zoom
June 16, 2020

Nicholas Gaiani grinned as he narrated the lyrics to a beloved Louis Armstrong song for his furry audience on Zoom from his home in Bethesda. “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world,” Nicholas, 6, read from the illustrated book version of the song, as he does each week during his “Read to a […]
Service Dog Brutus
June 16, 2020

Late in life, Brutus is building up quite a resume. The loveable 14-year-ish mutt, rescued from a California shelter, was a family pet before he trained to become a service dog for his Cliffside Park owner. Last month, after Brutus helped Jasmine Steinwand graduate from Centenary University, his memorable senior-year on campus moved the chairwoman of […]
Karelian Bear Dogs
June 16, 2020

Firefighters continue to make good progress to suppress the Isom Creek Fire (#187) aided by relatively cool temperatures, high humidity, and light winds. Crews improved the north and western perimeters. They continue to assess and implement protection measures for Native allotments along the Yukon River. Mop-up work is ongoing to hold and reinforce the firelines. […]
Hero Dog Award
June 16, 2020

A service dog from Naples could soon be a canine superstar. Dolly Pawton has made the semifinals in the American Humane Hero Dog Awards. The black Labrador Retriever is a service dog for Amy Sherwood, a Maine resident with several illnesses. Dolly alerts Amy if her blood pressure drops too low or if her heart […]
Pet Parenting Tips
June 16, 2020

We always want to cuddle our dogs to make them feel loved and pampered and want them with us every time. And this makes us sleep with our furry friends as well. But is it safe enough to sleep on the same bed with your pet dog? Well, there are lot of mixed opinions regarding […]