Comfort Dog Elijah
July 27, 2020

Sunday marks the 30th anniversary of the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and within the local community we have people making a difference.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church has a dog named Elijah that is a comfort dog.
He is not a therapy dog, but he is trained to be a comfort animal for people of all ages.
Elijah doesn’t run and play, but instead is there to sit and be pet by anyone that needs comfort.
He has brought comfort to people all over Texas, going to Hurricane Harvey survivors as well as people in Midland, Odessa and El Paso after the shootings in those areas.
Elijah doesn’t do home visits, but will come to schools and places like The Arc’s Child Care and Parents’ Night Out.
If you’d like to schedule a visit from Elijah, his contact is Jo Ann Kurtz and she can be reached at (940) 386-2190.