Dog Has His Own Support Dog
September 21, 2020

An adorable dog has managed to overcome his crippling anxiety, all thanks to the love and care of his very own emotional support dog.
This four-legged survivor is getting by with a little help from his friend.
When 2-year-old Arnold the Weimaraner was just a pup, he had a bloody run-in with a much larger German shepherd.
After the mauling experience, his human — Carolyn Manalis of Perth, Australia — watched as her fur baby, who already suffered from separation anxiety, grew even more skittish and scared, especially around big, barking dogs.
But then along came pint-sized Frank, a friendly miniature dachshund. After Manalis adopted the puppy from a friend, it didn’t take long for the tiny pooch to take on the job of emotional support dog.
Yes, Frank the wiener dog has taken on the role canines — and peacocks, cats, opossums and miniature horses — typically fulfill for humans.
“The bond these two dogs have is just insanely beautiful,” Manalis told Caters News. “They are so connected and loving and supportive of one another. If one ever cries, the other one is there in half a second to check they are OK. Their love is unconditional, regardless of their size or breed.”
Despite a one-year age gap — and a nearly 66-pound weight difference — it is the much smaller Frank who brims with self-assurance, and in the process, has helped Arnold conquer his crippling anxiety.
“Frank has helped Arnold regain his confidence to be able to play and wrestle while learning that this doesn’t always mean he’s going to get hurt or attacked,” Manalis said of the progress documented on their joint Instagram. “Having a little friend to play with has been the perfect therapy for Arnold to heal.”
But the relationship works both ways — as Arnold has helped Frank learn the ropes around the house.
“We swear Frank thinks Arnold is his dad,” Manalis said. “Being the second child, he definitely didn’t get as much training and attention as the first. Most of what he has learned, he has learned from Arnold.”
At this point, the black-and-tan tyke has morphed into a bit of a copy cat.
“Frank copies everything Arnold does, to the point where, if Arnold barks or makes a sound, Frank will mimic it directly after, almost like a parrot!” said Manalis, laughing. “Arnold taught Frank how to be house trained, how to bark at intruders, how to chase a ball, how to stand and wait to have his collar and leash put on, how to sit and to wait before crossing the road.
“Everywhere Arnold walks, Frank will follow.”