Helping Local Veterans
June 15, 2020

Wolfhounds Legacy Corporation is a non-profit that has been working with rescue dogs to train them as service animals for veterans and first responders. They are on a mission to save the lives of both the dogs and people, one dog biscuit at a time. Of course, there’s more to it than a few treats.
“It is our mission to save dogs and veterans, alike, to reduce the unnecessary loss of life to euthanized dogs and veteran suicides. Wolfhounds Legacy Corp. trains dogs for a minimum of 200 hours over an 8 month course training session to ensure they meet all criteria of an outstanding service companion. Dogs are trained specifically for the assistance of veterans with PTSD, however, can work to accommodate most needs for veterans,” explained a post on their Facebook page.
The local Hendry-Glades WLC group has been holding some indoor training sessions at the Pioneer Community Center, which has come in handy with the weather we’ve all been experiencing.
“Big thanks to the Pioneer Community Center, for letting us use the indoor facilities. Our team of veterans is a bit smaller because some have gone north for summer. We were able to practice a lot of tasks such as- doors, public bathroom, ignore food, ignore happy puppy, off leash work, place, long down with handler out of sight, find me and keeping focus,” the group’s leader, Tyla Bebon wrote. “Next we will be starting on click training to work specifically on tasks- get help, retrieve items, pick up, carry and specific tasks that each individual veteran may need assistance with.”
She added that if anyone is interested in getting their dog into WLC training, there were some spots available. Veterans and first responders, who need service dogs or training for their own dog, are free. “If you are looking for training and are not a veteran we have spots available for donations,” Bebon explained.