K9 Duke
June 17, 2020

Officer Duke, Vermont’s first police-run therapy dog, is a part of the Williston Police Department. Duke and his handler, Officer Matthew Cohen, have been working hard the past couple weeks with Duke’s training.
Duke started agility training on May 28th. Agility work is great for building a dog’s confidence and obedience. It is also a lot of fun for the trainer.
K9 Duke is also looking for the public’s assistance in creating a logo. The logo will be used on t-shirts business cards, challenge coins, patches, and other K9 products. If your design is chosen you will win a $100 Shaw’s gift card.
All ages are encouraged to participate and you should submit your design in a digital format. To enter, you can send your design to Matthew Cohen (matthew.cohen@vermont.gov). Designs can be submitted anytime up until July 3rd at 3:00 p.m.