Pet Services
June 1, 2020

If you are a pet owner, you may or not know the devastating process of saying goodbye to a beloved pet. It is a stressful process for all involved. The family, the vet, and especially the animal. And while it may be an awful experience, it should be done in the most peaceful and private manner.
Sherrill native and veterinarian Dr. Abby Regner is now offering a unique service to pet parents during one of the most difficult times of pet ownership.
She has opened Parting Paws to offer in-home, personalized euthanasia service for families saying goodbye to their beloved pets. She will come to the home, as prearranged, and help families say goodbye in the place and privacy of their choosing. Cremation services are also available if desired.
“There was no rush, no noise, no pressure, no hospital. It was in this moment that I knew every pet-parent deserves this parting. My wish is to make one of the most difficult moments in life just a little bit more comfortable for you and your pet.
“My promise is to allow everyone a chance to be in their own space, with their own privacy, to part with their beloved pet in their own way. I will do my very best to make this process as stress-free as possible.”
Regner, founder of ‘Parting Paws’ grew up in the local town of Verona. She attended vet school at the University of Cornell and has been practicing for eight years. When her dog became ill and it was time to say goodbye, she was nervous.
“I was honestly afraid,” Regner said. “The thought of bringing my dog to the animal hospital, then saying goodbye to him, was not the feeling I wanted in that moment. It’s already a hard enough decision.
“Then I have to put him in the car and bring him to the hospital. It is cold. So then I made the decision to do it at home. I’ll do this at home for him. We went out in the backyard and my family was there. And afterwards, I was thinking, wow that was so much better than it could have been.
“And then I thought there was no way I’m the only pet owner that doesn’t want to bring their pet to the hospital one last time. So then I got the ball rolling to make this available for every pet owner.”
When it is time to put your pet down, it is more beneficial to have the process done in the place of the owner’s choice. Relieving as much stress as possible is what is best for not only the family, but the animal as well.
And with Parting Paws, every pet owner will have that sense of comfort. While it is never easy to say goodbye, Parting Paws will do its best to make that moment a little easier to bare.
Parting Paws was created in January of this year. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Regner is still offering her service, but will be taking each case into consideration based on the severity of the animal’s condition.
Regner added that she will not be entering the home or responding to homes where anyone is sick with any symptoms, quarantine, or has been exposed to anyone with the coronavirus.
“Emergency veterinary services are an essential business so I will do my very best, but I am taking many measures to protect myself,” Regner said.