Virtual Canine Therapy
April 29, 2020
Certified therapy dog and champion surf dog, Ricochet is offering FREE virtual canine therapy and video conferencing sessions to families who experienced the unfathomable reality of not being there when a loved one passed from covid-19, as well as frontline workers and school children affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers and grieving families can take a few minutes to lower their stress and anxiety through Ricochet’s program. Teachers, home school educators and parents can find fun educational lessons through Ricochet’s Paws on learning activities as well.
To schedule a session, send an email to Ricochet’s guardian, Judy Fridono at
Or, if time is limited, visit Ricochet’s virtual canine therapy web page. In every other crisis, therapy dogs are called upon to provide comfort and healing. But, due to social distancing and quarantine, animal assisted therapy programs have been suspended.
First, there is a web page that has close-up photos of her eyes coupled with calming music. Hundreds of individuals who have visited the page have reported they felt a calm, connected state of being. Eye contact is one of the anxiety-reducing techniques that Ricochet uses in her face-to-face therapy dog sessions. Gazing into a dog’s eyes stimulates the release of oxytocin—a hormone associated with positive, happy feelings. Cultivating these moments allows for deep experiences of connection regardless of whether physical contact is made. Another facet of the program is video conferencing which uses apps such as Zoom, FaceTime and Skype.
These sessions are offered to families who lost a loved one to covid-19, doctors, nurses, frontline workers and anyone else suffering a loss or feeling stressed and anxious. Ricochet provides a calm demeanor of comfort and support where a participants emotions can be safely released as they are spun into a cocoon of positive energy, healing and recovery.
The most recent facet added to the program is Paws on Learning activities with Ricochet. This facet is for children of all ages and also uses video conferencing. Kids can talk to Ricochet while doing activities like reading to her, coloring pictures of her, teaching her tricks, show & tell, boredom busting, Q&A’s and more.
Many kids know her from the IMAX film, Superpower Dogs that she’s in. Although movie theaters are closed due to the pandemic, kids can still interact with Ricochet from the safety of their own home! They can watch the movie trailer, download the activities booklet and view a behind-the-scenes video. Ricochet’s virtual canine therapy will support individuals NOW, as well as into the future. But, she needs your help in reaching those in need. Please share this information and the program with your followers. Let’s help the world at large take a few minutes to breathe and decompress… through the healing power of a dog.