Artist Draws Portraits Of Dog
June 1, 2020

British artist Becky Flack draws unusual portraits of his Chihuahua named Tita. The dog appears to them in different ways – the pilot, a nurse, adventuress, royals, writes Metro.
Titus appeared at Becky four years ago from a couple who bred this breed. At the time she was two years and 9 months and she has already brought two litters of puppies.
This cute animal was the dog for emotional support, which helps the artist to cope with depression and anxiety, from which Flack suffered for over 25 years.
As says the owner, Titus is always happy to see her. When the artist was petting his dog, it feels safer. Chihuahua made her a target, because now next to Becky is a living creature, she should care and who is responsible.
Becky loves Titus and loves to draw, and it was quite natural that the dog inspires her to unusual ideas. Titus appears in various forms – in Japan and in Hawaii as Frida Kahlo, Elizabeth I and Marie Antoinette, pilot, nurse. The artist says he’s created his own “fantasy world” for a Chihuahua. Baby Titus also loves to dress up for posing, although it is necessary to bribe with treats. Inspiration and support are not the only ways in which Titus helped the artist. Becky says that her beloved Chihuahua she finally became confident enough to show his paintings.