Canine Companions DogFest
July 9, 2020

We are fortunate to host an event this Saturday from 5-7pm with 2 local businesses in Yardley, PA to help fundraise for DogFest Philly/NJ 2020. We are so excited to be working with the Commonplace Reader Bookstore and the Yardley Ice House. We will be hosting a “puppies on the porch” event at the bookstore and selling “pup cups” where 100% of the proceeds benefit Canine Companions for Independence DogFest. You’ll also be able to meet Canine Companions service dog teams, and puppies-in-training. DogFest is a family-friendly and dog-friendly community festival that raises funds and awareness for Canine Companions for Independence, the nation’s first and largest service dog providers. This year our event will be virtual on September 26th.
We have many exciting and interactive activities planned – you don’t want to miss out!
As a non-profit organization that relies 100% on fundraising and private donations, we hope you will register and fundraise using the DogFest fundraising platform. Your efforts will support the mission of Canine Companions – to enhance the lives of people with disabilities by providing expertly trained assistance dogs free of charge. With the unforeseen economic changes tied to the coronavirus, every DogFest dollar raised is even more critical this year.