Montgomery County’s Therapy Dog
October 7, 2020

Montgomery County has a new tool to help give crime victims some support. That tool’s name is Zurg. Zurg is the new therapy dog for the Montgomery County district attorney’s office. Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey introduced Zurg as the newest member of the team Monday. Coming from Canine Companions for Independence, Zurg will […]
Las Vegas Therapy Dogs
October 7, 2020

Therapy dog visits have slowly started to pick up again throughout the valley. As you can imagine, pressing “pause” on a pet visit has been very difficult for all involved. Kirsten Joyce caught up with volunteers with Michael’s Angel Paws. At this time volunteers and their dogs have not been able to resume their normal […]
Service Dog Changing Lives
October 7, 2020

Middle school can be tough for anyone, but it was particularly challenging for Tabitha Bell. Muscular dystrophy had weakened her muscles to the point that it was challenging to walk at school without the help of friends. Sometimes they’d leave her standing next to a post and run off without her. “When I tried to […]
Therapy K-9 Millie
October 7, 2020

Middlesex Sheriff Peter J. Koutoujian recently introduced Millie – the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office (MSO) first therapy dog. Millie joins fellow MSO working dogs who are tasked with searching for contraband, explosives and missing people. Unlike her K-9 colleagues, Millie – a one year old English Lab – is trained to help provide comfort. Throughout her initial […]
Pets In Stores
October 7, 2020

It’s happening more and more often — nearly every time Milford resident Kara-Anne Canfield is in a store with Stella, her service dog, other dogs distract Stella, according to Canfield’s mother Sandy. This can result in a life or death situation for Kara-Anne, 30, who suffers from mast cell activation disease (MCAD). Sandy Canfield wants […]
Dominique And Bowie
October 2, 2020

As a diabetic, Dominique Trappio needs help to safely get through her days and nights. That’s where Bowie came in. The connection was immediate when they met. Bowie is a puppy with life changing and life-saving potential. “I named him Bowie after Chadwick Boseman who played Black Panther.” Dominique Trappio explained. “He was such a […]
Molly And Her Service Dog
October 2, 2020

Two and a half-year-old Molly Chow is surrounded by a loving family of her mom Susan, dad David, and four siblings. The couple moved to Medicine Hat from Vancouver in 2006 and made the decision to become foster parents. They’ve been fostering for the last 14 years and their family has grown in a big […]
Service Dog In Training
October 2, 2020

Stimpy crawls under a table outside of Eastway Hall, pawing gently at an orange peel a few feet away on the grass. The peel is out of reach. Mission failed. Lindsey Czopek, Stimpy’s owner, laughs. For the past 11 months, Stimpy, a one-year-old chocolate lab, and Czopek have been almost inseparable. The pair are a […]
Service Dog Denied
October 2, 2020

Three disabled veterans with ADA trained service dogs say they were kicked out of the same bar and restaurant in Port Orange twice. The owner has since apologized but as WESH 2’s Claire Metz reports, the veterans are angry and more than disappointed. “I tried to show them his certificate– that he was actually a […]
Orbit The Facility Dog
October 2, 2020

Huntsville Hospital’s newest employee has four legs, plays fetch and answers to the name of Orbit. The new facility dog was made possible by a grant from PetSmart Charities through Huntsville Hospital Foundation, and started seeing patients in mid-September. Orbit and his sister Asteroid are Golden Retrievers that make up Huntsville Hospital Foundation’s Canines for […]