School Gets New Therapy Dogs
July 23, 2020

When Warren County Public Schools students return for in-person classes Aug. 12 after months apart from their teachers and classmates amid the coronavirus pandemic, two new Labradoodles trained as therapy dogs will be there to greet them. “We just started thinking that this might be a great thing for us to have on hand,” said […]
Therapy Dogs Pet Parade
July 23, 2020

During these strange times, many organizations have found creative ways to give back to the communities they serve. One local group is making their rounds to area hospitals to show they care. Many people would see furry friends pass by outside of some hospitals, and this is a way to comfort people during the COVID-19 […]
Pups Are Training And Graduating
July 23, 2020

Four soon-to-be Seeing Eye dogs are ready to move on to the next phase of their training after spending almost a year in Saskatchewan. Indy, Percy, Wallace and Lulu are four black lab puppies who have spent the last 11 months doing the basic Seeing Eye dog training with the Canadian Institute for the Blind […]
Family In Need Of A Service Dog
July 23, 2020

Getting a service animal for those with a medical disability can be difficult, and the lack of resources is causing the Redmond parents of a 5-year-old boy to exhaust all of their finances. Jaeden Thomas loves dinosaurs and playing in his backyard. He was diagnosed around age 3 with autism and ADHD, as well […]
Captains First Birthday
July 23, 2020

The best pups deserve the best birthdays and Captain got to celebrate his first one in style The Washington Capitals’ service dog in training turned one year old on Wednesday and had a big bash with some of his friends. Captain, who came from America’s VetDogs, a New York-based nonprofit that trains and provides service […]
Service Dog Gets Help From Church
July 23, 2020

A popular Edmond comfort dog hasn’t been able to do his usual work due to the pandemic. For years, Rufus, of the St. Mark Lutheran Church, has been visiting disaster sites, nursing homes and hospitals. “Through this very handsome animal, we’ve been able to make contact with thousands of people in Texas and Oklahoma,” Pastor […]
Pet Taxi
July 23, 2020

Last February, Tracey Eaton left her job in the civil service after 15 years to start Maccy G Pets, a dog walking and pet sitting service, which covers Norwich and nearby surrounding villages. The animal lover could not have dreamt her first year would go so well, but as the pandemic hit she saw months […]
Therapy Dogs Can’t Wait To Work
July 23, 2020

Many have been out of work during the pandemic. That includes Dolly the Goldendoodle, who hails from Fort Dodge. “She definitely misses work,” said Liana Sears, Dolly’s Trainer. “She was so depressed.” Dr. Mary Burch, therapy dog director for the American Kennel Club, says the depression that dogs like Dolly are feeling is real. “Behaviorally, […]
Talking To Your Dog
July 23, 2020

Dogs are known as humans’ best friends, but it’s not like you can talk to them. Well, what if you could? Christina Hunger, a speech language pathologist based in San Diego, says it’s possible. “A lot of my friends thought I was crazy,” Hunger says. “When I was trying this for weeks, they would […]
Enjoy A Group Of Dogs
July 22, 2020

While golden retrievers Bentley, Riley, Tucker and Sugars splashed in the Wyomissing Creek, their owners cooled down with cold beers. The canine playmates were part of a friendly group of seven dogs and eight people to enjoy Dogs & Brews at the Reading Public Museum. The seventh annual event benefited the museum’s educational programs and […]