Therapy Dogs Send Message
August 28, 2020

Social media stars Coco and Cici are used to helping people get well. When their own Dad contracted the coronavirus, they took to Instagram.
If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can’t persuade everybody to wear a face covering to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, maybe a pair of therapy dogs whose owner was hospitalized with COVID-19 will get the message across?
Coco and Cici, Maltese dogs and social media stars from Scottsdale, Arizona, used their popular Instagram page (which is named after Coco, though Cici makes regular appearances) to send an important message to their 285,000 followers. “Will bite those not wearing a mask” said the cardboard sign around Coco’s neck in the image posted on July 19.
Apart from being the cutest mask PSA ever, the post revealed that the dogs’ owner, Dennis (their “Daddy”), had been fighting COVID-19.The caption said, “Keep your distance, for real though. Today is day 16 that our Daddy has been in the ICU on a ventilator battling COVID-19. Unfortunately he took a turn yesterday and he needs our prayers and positive vibes.”
“We are so thankful for his team of nurses, doctors, and all staff members,” continued the two pups, who call themselves sisters but are actually aunt and niece. “They are our heroes. They are doing everything they can to save our dad’s life. With the power of prayer and positive thoughts we know he will come out of this.” On August 18, the pooches had good news for their followers, revealing that Dennis was home after 46 days in the hospital, 30 of which he spent on a ventilator.
“We can’t be more thankful and excited to spend the rest of our lives with him making memories,” wrote the pooches (or somebody on their behalf). “It’s hard to comprehend how so many have died from COVID-19 and our dad is still here but we are so grateful for another chance with him.”