Feeding For Success
September 22, 2020

Hunting guides and competitive testers and trailers work hard every day to prepare for the uplands, marshes, and competition. Whether their work involves basic obedience or complex training concepts, handlers focus to ensure success. But, training is only part of the equation. Physical conditioning and nutrition play an equally important role. To consistently train and […]
ESA’s Help Students
September 22, 2020

Owning pets while in college differs for everyone. While on-campus residence halls only allow certified emotional support animals, most apartment complexes and housing near campus allow any type of pet if the resident pays a certain fee. Since pets aren’t allowed in residence halls, students can apply to have an Emotional Support Animal with them […]
PTSD Service Dogs
September 22, 2020

Science has shown that service dogs can benefit some veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). But the exact role they play in the day-to-day lives of veterans—and the helpfulness of the tasks they perform—is less clear. The new study explores what trained tasks service dogs perform the most often and which ones are the most […]
Retriever Helps Firefighters
September 22, 2020

Firefighters battling wildfires in Northern California have an unusual friend to help keep their spirits up. Her name is Kerith. She is a two-year-old golden retriever who recently returned home to San Rafael after working the Creek Fire near Fresno. Before that, Kerith and her owner were up at the Woodward Fire near Pt. Reyes […]
Support Dog Helps Teach
September 22, 2020

Tess the classroom learning support dog has been attending The Quay School everyday for two-and-a-half years – helping teach up to 40 young people in class each day. The 95lb, five-year-old Rottweiler seems an unlikely asset but since joining the school, Tess has become a valued member of staff and a classroom boon. Tess has […]
Paws For Ability
September 22, 2020

Life for a family in Greencastle, Franklin County has been changed, as they’ve welcomed their first service dog into their home. They say it’s all thanks to the community who helped fundraise. Back in 2017, abc27 brought you to the bingo fundraiser for the Woodruffs. They were thrilled when they hit their $17,000 goal for […]
Life-Saving Alert Device
September 22, 2020

Even in a pandemic, Texas A&M is still churning out exceptional aggies doing amazing work to make life easier for others. One team from the engineering school is hoping their project will save the lives of those who need a little help from man’s best friend. “From the minute we saw the options for the […]
Pops The ESA
September 21, 2020

I’m here at Beagle Island Park nearly every day, in hopes of seeing my dog—well, I guess, technically, he isn’t my dog anymore. Actually, he was never really my dog; we simply walked as a pack of two when we both hit rough patches in our lives. I’d wake up under a smoke shop’s eaves to […]
Therapy Dog Hazel Huffer
September 21, 2020

A Kosciusko County school has added a different sort of employee to its roster – a 6-year-old sheepadoodle, a cross between Old English sheepdog and poodle. Named Hazel Grace Huffer, the pup joined Leesburg Elementary School last month as a therapy dog certified and insured through Alliance of Therapy Dogs, according to a Warsaw Community […]
A Tail Of Two Cities Book
September 21, 2020

Debbie Stump, an animal advocate who is currently in search of a new puppy to train as a therapy dog, has completed her new book “A Tail of Two Cities”: a lovely tale about a family who brings to their lives a feisty dog who learns to live in a home filled with love and […]