K9 Officer Loki
July 2, 2020

The borough’s top canine cop has received a grant. The money comes from Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. a nationwide charity located in East Taunton, MA, whose mission is to provide bullet and stab protective vests and other assistance to dogs of law enforcement and related agencies throughout the United States. The organization presents their […]
How Therapy Dogs Can Help
July 2, 2020

Dogs are wonderful creatures, and they have always been man’s best friend, but nowadays they can be used as therapy animals to aid a variety of people with emotional or behavioral issues, including mental illnesses, anxiety, and even panic attacks. Therapy dogs can help those in need of support and companionship when other techniques fail […]
Therapy Dogs With Kids
July 2, 2020

Tallahassee kids are improving their reading schools virtually through T- READ Program. Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare’s Animal Therapy Teams are working virtually with young readers this summer through their Reading Education Assistance Dog program. The READ program helps kids practice and improve their reading skills by reading out loud to therapy dogs. It helps boost their […]
Robotic Pets At Care Home
July 2, 2020

Hythe View nursing home in Hythe, Kent has had to restrict all non-essential visitors, including the dogs. Staff at the care home noticed many of the residents were missing their interaction with their furry friends. Bonzo the dog and Simba the cat respond to interaction and help the residents who engage with them, the home […]
Puppies Helping Firefighters
July 2, 2020

The newest members of the Hanford Fire Department aren’t fighting fires – instead, they’re helping firefighters fight off the stress of the job. “The one in the red harness, this one’s Tiller. The other one’s Asher,” said Connor Kurtz as he pointed at two English Cream Retriever puppies laying in the fire station. He and […]
Dog Therapy Day
July 2, 2020

I wonder if on July 4, 1776, when our forefathers declared independence from England, they celebrated by firing their muskets as a tribute to freedom. I imagine this is why we commemorate the greatest declaration of liberty by shooting off fireworks on the Fourth of July. Why else would we terrorize the collective canine population […]
Help Your Dog
July 2, 2020

Costumes or facial coverings—even just hats—change our general appearance to the dog and we may be perceived as a threat initially. Or the dog may simply perceive [the facial covering] as an impediment to their ability to read our facial expressions and body language. I would suggest trying to desensitize the dog by putting the […]
Service Dog Needed
July 2, 2020

Cole Reavis is like any young adult. He loves the Georgia Bulldogs and is one of their biggest fans. He also enjoys being around people and brings joy to anyone who meets him. But Reavis, 28, has more challenges than the rest of us face. He was born with cerebral palsy and suffers from grand […]
Housing Act Relative To ESA
July 2, 2020

While many housing providers, including community associations, have been required to allow individuals to bring emotional support animals into their communities even though pets are not permitted, recently adopted legislation aims at limiting abuse of this type of reasonable accommodation. As of July 1, 2020, the Florida Statutes have been amended to differentiate between emotional […]
Casper The Therapy Dog
July 2, 2020

Casper, the aptly-named friendly therapy dog, is helping distribute 10,000 meals to frontline medical workers who are protecting communities in Seattle and beyond during the current coronavirus pandemic. The golden retriever and his guardian, Rachel Elliot, are giving back to heroic doctors, nurses and hospital staff with the aid of non-profit organization Fueling The Fearless, […]