George Bush’s Staff Gets Memo About His Dog
August 31, 2020

One of the best things about our past presidents is that they had dogs. Barack and Michelle Obama seemed to really dig Portuguese water dogs, and had two. First was Bo, who started hanging out in the White House back in 2009. Sunny followed, joining in 2012. Former U.S. President George W. Bush and former […]
Guardian Dogs
August 31, 2020

The Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission and U.S. Forest Service officials say there have been several incidents lately where people have picked up expensive livestock guardian dogs thinking they are lost or have been abandoned. The dogs, which are often white Great Pyrenees dogs, should be left alone to protect sheep herds, according to officials. Sheep […]
Miracle Puppies
August 31, 2020

Last August 11 puppies were found abandoned near a dumpster in North Bay and brought to the North Bay Humane Society. What a difference a year makes. Darlene Sacher of Best Care Kennel who adopted one of the dogs reached out to the other adoptive families inviting them to celebrate their first birthday with a […]
Boy In Need Of Seizure Dog
August 31, 2020

An Old Saybrook woman reached new heights this month, climbing the highest peak in the northeastern United States, Mount Washington. But Paige Marinelli’s path to topping more than 6,200 feet was even more impressive because of whom she climbed for and what she’s been through. “There was a point where I would’ve never been able […]
Pets Recovering From Syndrome
August 31, 2020

One of the most common causes of acute loss of coordination and head tilt in dogs is called the canine idiopathic vestibular syndrome. This is a pretty scary situation for pet owners because their dogs were fine one moment and in the next, they can barely walk! What causes this vestibular syndrome? Nobody knows but […]
Honoring All-American Dog Ruger
August 31, 2020

Ruger is an all-American dog with a billboard to prove it. The 5-year-old Belgian Malinois-pitbull mix from Bentonville is trained in search and rescue, specializing in finding missing pets. Recently, she was selected as one of 10 winners among about 16,000 applicants in the Early Times All-American Dogs social media campaign. Early Times Kentucky Whiskey […]
Therapy Goldendoodle
August 31, 2020

The ultimate teacher’s pet is expected to show up in the near future in Burrell School District buildings: Her name is Stella, a goldendoodle who is a therapy dog in training. The pet will serve as an aid to support students. Not to mention provide a little fun. The Burrell School Board recently approved having […]
Longtime Kennel Celebrates Anniversary
August 31, 2020

The property at 2400 E. Manogue Road has seen a lot of dogs. One year ago, it was purchased by JoLynn Burden and her children, Callie and Booker, and renamed Kip’s White Dog Inn, after “Kip,” a former family pet and therapy dog who succumbed to illness. Before that, JoLynn said, the property was owned […]
Treatments For Pets
August 31, 2020

We are happy to note that the health of dogs and cats are given more attention these days. For example, food for specific dog or cat conditions have been developed and are still being developed, and more natural treats are being produced for our pets. The best news is that natural or alternative remedies and […]
Honoring Canine Ambassador
August 31, 2020

Therapy Dogs of Santa Barbara announces the passing of Sandy, one of its beloved therapy dogs and the matriarch of the organization. She was 14-1/2 years old. “During her long and wonderful life, Sandy brought joy and smiles to thousands of children, young adults, and the elderly in our community and we will be forever […]