Keep It PAWSitive
June 30, 2020

“I am reaching out to see if I can get coverage of a “Feel Good” story. Is there any way we can get noticed, to show there is still good happening in an otherwise painful world?” – Carol Willson Wagner With the declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11th, […]
Royston Dog Recovering
June 30, 2020

Bear, a seven-year-old black lab, is still wearing a special collar to protect his wounds after getting attacked on Saturday.“He was pretty sick the first night and we weren’t sure he was going to make it,” said Bear’s owner Seanna McLeod.McLeod and her spouse were working at a nearby residence when Bear walked down to […]
Canine Assistant
June 30, 2020

Since 2020 has a recurring theme of being a never-ending dumpster fire for everyone, I suppose this bit of news was inevitable. A week ago, my family and I said goodbye to my service dog, Pandy, after a solid decade with her. What started as a series of hip pains turned out to be a […]
Therapy Dog Found
June 29, 2020

A local family reunited with their 7-year-old son’s therapy dog after the dog went missing over the weekend. According to Laura Holland, her 7-year-old son’s therapy dog, Sully, accidentally got away around 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 27. Sully was being dropped off at a groomer in Wesley Chapel, in the area of Route 56 […]
Service Dogs During Pandemic
June 29, 2020

During the coronavirus pandemic, it has been a challenge for service dog trainers to properly acclimate dogs during their advanced training. “It really was a set-back in not being able to get the dogs out and about,” said Peggy Law, Executive Director of Service Dogs of Virginia. She is currently training six of the program’s […]
Therapy Dog Missing
June 29, 2020

A local family is desperate to find their 7-year-old son’s therapy dog after he got away while at a groomer over the weekend. According to Laura Holland, her 7-year-old son’s therapy dog, Sully, was mistakenly let out around 9 a.m. on June 27. Sully was at a groomer in Wesley Chapel, in the area of […]
Paws For People
June 29, 2020

The essence of pet therapy is the one-on-one connection between a therapy team of one person/one pet, and the individuals they visit. During the pandemic, even though they have had to suspend all in-person visitations and programs, Paws for People has found many creative ways to stay engaged and connected with the community. Through live […]
20-Year-Old Golden Retriever
June 29, 2020

The Internet has fallen in love with a golden retriever whose owners believe her to be the oldest living dog in her breed. August, also known as Augie, turned 20 on April 24, 2020, and lives with her family in Oakland, Tennessee. Augie was adopted back in 2014, though recently garnered viral attention after a […]
Four-Legged Employee
June 29, 2020

Families at Goodstart Early Learning Morwell Central are greeted everyday with “50 kilograms of love and fluff”. Lilly, the three-year-old Bernese mountain dog works fulltime at the centre providing a range of services to children and staff. She is the first Certified Therapy Dog to work full-time in an early learning centre in the country. […]
Hearing Dogs Service
June 29, 2020

As the economic realities of Covid-19 continue to bite, Taranaki charities are cutting back, but also getting creative in a bid to stay solvent. One that is thinking outside the box is Hearing Dogs, based in New Plymouth, which is setting up a doggy day care service. Clare McLaughlin, who has been general manager of Hearing […]