Sit Means Sit
August 27, 2020

Sit Meand Sit co-owners Michael and Melissa O’Donnell, who both worked in sales, never planned to open a dog training business. Then one day at a family gathering, their new puppy nipped their niece when she ran up behind him. “Everybody said, ‘You’ve gotta get rid of him, you can’t have a dog who bites […]
Celebrate National Dog Day
August 26, 2020

Today is National Dog Day and a lot of you have a special reason to celebrate. Families who already have dogs know just how much joy it has been to have canine friends to help get through quarantine, but new pandemic puppies are flooding social media. Adoption of dogs and fostering has spiked during the last […]
New Florida Law On ESA’s
August 26, 2020

Florida recently enacted a law intended to combat a problem familiar to many New York co-op boards: fraudulent requests for emotional support animals. The Florida law provides that animal registries, certifications and similar online documents are insufficient to support these requests. Significantly, the law also provides a basis for professional discipline for healthcare practitioners who issue supporting documentation without […]
Animal Shelters
August 26, 2020

AmeriServ Bank recently presented a total of $1,000 to three area animal organizations as a result of its recent “Paws for a Cause” social media pet photo contest. Customers were invited to submit photos of their pets to AmeriServ’s Instagram and/or Facebook pages. Users at the two sites then voted for their favorite pet photo […]
Service Dog’s Life
August 26, 2020

When the phrase service dogs comes to mind, many people immediately think of a dog that is serving someone with a visible disability. Most people think of military veterans, individuals who suffer mental disabilities, or individuals who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The fact is, there are many people who have service dogs who do […]
National Dog Day
August 26, 2020

Today on National Dog Day, observed worldwide each Aug. 26, breeds, pure and mixed, and all that they do for us is being celebrated. National Dog Day honors family dogs and dogs that work selflessly to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort. Some dogs put their lives on the line every day — […]
Dog Daycare
August 26, 2020

Like most pet parents, Scott Jones considers his three dogs, a 2-year-old Yorkie and two older Malteses, to be his children. So much so that his wife, Elisa, would often tell the trio to “go with daddy” when they left the house for dog daycare. The couple, who now own Dogtopia of Stamford, have had […]
Hook Elementary Therapy Dog
August 26, 2020

tudents at Hook Elementary will now have a little furry friend to help them with stress and anxiety – thanks to Jack, and Anything’s Paws-ible. Anything’s Paws-ible is a new therapy dog program supporting emotional well-being and cognitive development to local students. Kristin Cashon began forming the non-profit organization over a year ago. “I have […]
Service Dog Vanishes
August 26, 2020

A Wisconsin mother fears she may have been cheated out of $20,000 in donations raised to buy a golden retriever service dog for her son, who has autism. The contributions had come from all sides of their community: family members, their church and even the Green Bay Packers, who gave a signed football to the Olsons, according […]
Police Department Pawfficer
August 26, 2020

After not being in the office for a couple of months, Sage didn’t want to put her halter on and go back to work. Some can relate. But she also missed her 20,000 friends. Sage’s freshman year ended prematurely, as the University moved to online classes in March due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). The 3-year-old […]